Thursday, July 3, 2008

Could Fibromyalgia Be Causing Your Pain?

Fibromyalgia is an arthritis related disease that's often difficult to diagnose because it's so often mistaken for arthritis. There are over 100 forms of arthritis, and any one of them can reflect the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Both arthritis sufferers and fibromyalgia sufferers generally describe pain as their primary symptom.

Unlike arthritis, however, the pain is not localized in a specific joint or muscle; it's widespread, throbbing, sharp and deep. While the pain is widespread, many fibromyalgia patients also report "tender spots" where pain is felt more sharply if the area is pressed. Doctors have narrowed down the number of tender points to 18 specific locations. Under these circumstances, it's easy to understand why fibromyalgia is so difficult to diagnose.

If you suspect you may have Fibromyalgia, here's a list of the most common symptoms:

1. Widespread pain in combination with tender spots (generally, a physician will want to identify 11 tender spots before making a diagnosis of fibromyalgia).

2. Chronic fatigue. Fibromyalgia sufferers often describe an overwhelming sense of fatigue. Even after they've had eight or more hours of sleep (thought most Fibromyalgiapatients report difficulty getting a good night's sleep), they still often experience fatigue throughout the day.

3. Stiffness in the joints, especially in the morning. It's this joint stiffness which often leads doctors to mistake the diseas for arthritis.

4. Frequent headaches and migraines.

5. Tingling in the hands, legs, arms, and feet.

6. Swelling of the extremities.

7. Not always, but sometimes, Fibromyalgia patients also report symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Making it even more difficult to diagnosis Fibromyalgia is that the disease often appears in conjunction with other forms of arthritis. It's very common, for instance, for a patient to suffer from both rheumatoid arthritis and Fibromyalgia.

While the disease has become well known for its mystery and the challenge associated with its diagnosis, health care professionals are more aware of the telltale Fibromyalgia symptoms than ever before. Using the 18 specific tender spots as guides and learning to identify pain by degress and location have helped enormously.

Could Fibromyalgia Be Causing Your Pain?

Discussing your symptoms with your doctor is the first step toward finding out.

Article Source:

What Are The Symptoms And Preventive Measures Of Atherothrombosis?

Atherothrombosis is commonly a disease of older adults mainly because of the eventual buildup of deposits and the wear and tear on the blood vessels. This process may be accelerated in people who have uncontrolled risk factors and can also happen to younger adults.

Atherothrombosis of the arterial blood supply to the lower limbs can lead to an occlusion of the blood vessel, known as peripheral arterial disease or PAD. The blood supply to the segment that is supplied by the artery concerned is cut-off. This can lead to the cut-off of supply of nutrients to the area. If infection sets in, the area which is already dead will have to be amputated to prevent the infection from spreading to the other parts of the body. Otherwise, the life of patient could be in danger.

For PAD, A doctor can perform a simple test to get the "ankle-brachia index", which is obtained by measuring the blood pressure at the ankle and the forearm. If the ankle-brachia index is less than 0.9, it would imply that there is significant peripheral vascular disease.

Atherothrombosis may be silent during the early and milder stage of the disease. There may be no symptoms until the degree of narrowing in the blood vessel reaches a critical point. Blood vessels are everywhere in the body and the signs of atherothrombosis depends on which blood vessels are most affected.

The major signs of atherothrombosis include symptoms of poor circulation in the legs (aches in the legs when walking a certain distance, bluish discoloration of the toes, etc.), poor circulation to the heart (chest pains on exertion, shortness of breath, etc.), and poor circulation to the brain (transient or permanent stroke symptoms like sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body, problems with speech, unsteadiness, etc.). All of these symptoms may be gradual, intermittent or sudden in occurrence.

Treatment is by control of the modifiable risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, and by taking medication that prevents progression of blockages in the blood vessels.

The best way of protecting oneself from atherothrombosis is through a healthy lifestyle.

Regular physical activity of moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes for most days of the week is recommended. Besides its beneficial effects on blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, it is evident that regular exercise also reduces "stickiness" of blood.

Heavy alcohol intake is always associated with increased risk of stroke and heart attack. It is recommended that those who drink heavily should cut down on the amount of drinking to at most two servings per day.

Any amount of smoking can increase the risk of having a stroke and heart attack by 2 or 3 times. Smoking is also directly linked to disease of blood vessels in the legs. This disease may affect the circulation of blood in the lower limbs. It takes about 2 to 4 years after smoking cessation before one's risk goes back down to that of someone who never smoked. The goal is to completely stop smoking. Not even a few sticks of cigarettes a day is acceptable.

A high-fiber and low-cholesterol diet is highly recommended as it is beneficial in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity.

Former Heart Surgeon Reveals... How to prevent and even reverse heart disease - without drugs or surgery. Read more about Dr Robert's confession at:

Article Source:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Complete Information on Diamond Blackfan anemia with Treatment and Prevention

Diamond blackfan anemia (DBA) is a congenital erythroid aplasia that usually presents in infancy. The exact cause is not clear, but the problem seems to be a fault in one of the early steps of red blood cell production. In blackfan diamond anemia the body's bone marrow produces little or no red blood cells. It has also been linked to a genetic mutation in some individuals. Severe anemia is frequently found at birth and the majority of individuals are diagnosed before their first birthday. As patients reach adulthood, they have an increased risk of developing acute leukemia or bone marrow failure. Diamond blackfan anemia effects boys and girls equally. It has been reported in virtually all ethnic groups. The estimated incidence is approximately seven in one million persons. Diamond blackfan anemia can be difficult to identify.

People with diamond blackfan anaemia have symptoms commonly for all other types anaemia, including pale skin, sleepiness, fast pulsation, and heart whispering. In about one third of children born with the disorder there are physical defects such as hand deformities or heart defects, but a clear set of signs hasn't been identified. The symptoms may also vary greatly, from very mild to severe and life-threatening. Diamond blackfan anemia is characterized by low red blood cell counts with decreased erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow. This usually develops during the neonatal period. Individuals also have a variety of congenital abnormalities, including craniofacial malformations, thumb or upper limb abnormalities, cardiac defects, urogenital malformations, and cleft palate. Low birth weight and generalized growth retardation are sometimes observed.

The diamond anaemia of Blackfan is usually diagnosed in the first two years of the life, even sometimes with the birth, is based on symptoms. The diagnosis of Blackfan diamond anemia could be recognized not in particular immediately, although, because the disturbance is rare and all physicians with it are not familiar. The first line of treatment is to give the child steroid medication, usually prednisone. The medication may suddenly stop working for the person at any time. If a person doesn't respond to steroid medication, or needs too high a dose to keep his/her red blood cell count up, the treatment becomes blood transfusions. The person then needs to take medication that takes the excess iron out of the body. The only cure available for blackfan diamond anemia is bone marrow transplantation, which replaces the person's defective bone marrow with healthy marrow.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

TEA TREE OIL– A Remarkable Healing Agent

A clear to very pale golden colour essential oil that is favoured by many health specialists who work with alternative medicine and natural remedies, this is an oil with remarkable healing properties. Aroma therapists and manufacturers of natural alternative medicine types for products such as, antiseptics, creams, lotions, toothpastes and shampoos and alike will often use this reliable oil to help naturally clean, soothe and repair.

Tea Trees belong to the genus Melaleuca and the trees in this genus are commonly known as paper barks or honey myrtles. Melaleuca oil is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Captured by steam distillation of the leaves the medicinal aroma is reminiscent of cypress, cardmom and camphor combined and generally perceived as a warming and stimulating odour.

The term "tea tree oil" is said to have come about in the 1770s when Captain Cook and the crew of The Endeavour used the leaves as a substitute for ordinary tea. Tea tree oil has been recognized as a potent antiseptic, antibiotic and an antifungal agent; it has been shown to be an effective treatment for dandruff due to its ability to treat Malassezia furfur, the most common cause of the condition.

Tea tree oil has also been known to help soothe sunburns, poison ivy, ear infections, and bee stings along with many other uses including various skin problems, wounds, insect bites and stings, boils and ringworm. Care should be taken when using Tea tree oil; it should not be used neat or in high concentration on sensitive skin and should be used almost exclusively externally.

Tea Tree in the world of alternative medicine is often referred to as the 'miracle oil’ even though it is not the only oil that is an anti-fungal as well as antibacterial and antiviral, it is one of the most popular oils used in alternative medicine and one of the few oils that is extensively tested by scientists.

"Some have asked the question as to the safety of Tea Tree; if used properly and in small does all should be well; greater care should be taken if used extensively particularly with areas of broken skin or areas that are affected by rashes not due to fungus. Tea Tree Oil may burn if it gets to close to or into the eyes, nose, mouth, or other sensitive or tender areas. Tea tree oil should never be swallowed, as it may cause nerve damage and other problems. Always be sure to have a specialized health practitioner advise you on the best remedy for your individual needs."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Insomnia – Trouble sleeping?

The English proverb says: ‘Six hours sleep for a man, seven for a woman and eight for a fool.’ but even a fool is better off than someone who cannot sleep at all. An insomniac may have difficulty in falling asleep or in staying asleep, both of which can increase daytime fatigue and irritability.

What causes insomnia? There are many reasons why you may have insomnia, chronic insomnia can itself be a symptom of another condition; some include receiving bad news, running out of time in an over burdened busy schedule; there are physical disorders such as ‘sleep apnoea’, restless legs, heart disease, lung disease, hot flashes, or diabetes, therefore it is wise to consult with your doctor if you are having trouble sleeping; the environment may also be a factor, like noise and light or lack of exercise during the day, lifestyle or the miss use of sleeping drugs can be another factor for having insomnia, or it can just occur for no apparent reason.

Insomnia can also be a symptom of psychiatric illnesses like depression and anxiety attacks. In all, we should be sensitive to those who spend the night trying to count all of the sheep in the world and never getting to sleep.

Alternative medicine or the use of alternative medicine types and natural remedies can be a very successful way in treating those suffering with insomnia - when administered properly by a qualified health specialist and therapist, they encompass a wide variety of disciplines that include everything from diet and exercise to mental conditioning and lifestyle changes. You may find one or more of the following alternative medicine types helpful to you.

The learning of relaxation techniques can help you to fall asleep faster and increase your sleep time, there are lots of things that you can do to improve your relaxation such as visualization which helps you relax by imagining a relaxing scene for you to sleep on.

Another alternative medicine type is meditation which essentially involves you focusing your mind on the present.

Some have found Yoga to be very relaxing and to encourage sleeping, Yoga develops the relationship between deep breathing, meditation, and stretching; There are many gentle styles of Yoga available that maybe helpful.

Acupuncture is often used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating cases of insomnia and is becoming a more popular practise in the western world.

A careful look and adjustment to your diet can make a huge difference too, particularly if you can cut out caffeine from your diet which can have a pronounced effect on sleep, in addition eliminating the drinking of tea and soft drinks at night time, can be beneficial.

Avoiding sweets or high sugar foods at night time that give you a short burst of energy will also help; because these type of high sugar foods can often cause uneven blood sugar levels, they can disturb your sleep in the middle of the night as the blood sugar level falls.

Apparently, it is proven that regular exercise deepens sleep in young adults with or without sleep disorders, therefore, increasing your personal exercise plan may also be an advantage in getting a better night sleep.

Alternative remedies such as using the root of valerian (Valeriana officinalis), and using herbs such as chamomile, passionflower, hops, ginseng, lemon balm and skullcap are all alternative medicine types that have been successfully used in treating people with sleep disorders. It is to be remembered that natural remedies are not always benign, some herbal therapies can interact with other medications you may be taking, therefore is it good practice to always consult with your doctor or health care provider before you change or adjust your current medication.

Many have found that taking a warm bath with appropriate aromatherapy oils added can relax the body and reduce a stressful mind to help you enjoy a comfortable rest through the night.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Alternative Medicine for Constipation

Constipation is usually caused by a diet which denies the body of roughage. It is quite possible that our ancestors did not suffer as much as we do in the modern world from the infrequent or difficult passing of hard, dry faeces known as constipation. Their diets would have been without the availability of such refined and rich foods that we today can find in our superstore shops.

Constipation can be very unpleasant particularly after straining or pushing a bowel movement or not having a bowel movement for more than 3 days. Constipation is common among children, the aged and pregnant women.

It is very important that we establish regular elimination habits, because straining bowel movements can cause blemishes which if not healed can become infected and cause other problems. There are a rang of related conditions to constipation such as hemorrhoids, bowel obstruction, chronic constipation, spastic colitis, hernia, depression, diabetes, diverticulosis, Parkinson's disease and lead poisoning; it is important that if your condition is considered much serious than constipation then you must consult a health profession for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Another consideration in helping prevent constipation is to make sure that you are getting enough exercise, physical exercise together with drinking plenty of water and having the correct amount of fibre-rich foods in a regular diet such as beans, bran cereals, fruits, raw vegetables, rice, and whole-grain breads will help to keep your body healthy and strong and free of ‘struggling’ with bowel movements.

There are many alternative medicine and natural remedies available on this subject, including aromatherapy, reflexology, acupuncture, homeopathy etc., but often all will suggest an increase of fibre to the diet and intake of water, together with making sure that you are getting enough exercise each day; there is also a variety of herbs that have often been used successfully including Aloe, Dandelion, Ginger, Burdock root. When using natural herbs, it is important that you see a qualified specialist, proficient in understanding and administrating alternative medicine and/or natural remedies so that you can receive the best and safest treatment available.

The major causes of constipation are usually due to having a low fibre diet or dehydration. It is worth noting that every person both old and young have different bowel patterns, some of the symptoms associated with constipation are bloating, uncomfortable and sluggishness; these in general are not a serious problem although occasionally they may be a symptom of an underlying disorder, especially if they recently occur with an adult over the age of forty.

Many people simply do not drink enough water - that is unadulterated water; tea, coffee and fruit juice do not count. Drinking two or three pints of clear (preferably filtered) water every day will strengthen your general health and reduce your problems with constipation.

Natural remedies such as taking a tablespoon of cider vinegar sweetened with a teaspoon of honey or black strap molasses dissolved in a hot mug of water or two or three teaspoons of violet syrup on a bowel of strawberries a few times a week will certainly help to lubricate the system and help you keep free of constipation.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alternative Medicine – How is it different from Conventional Medicines?

Alternative Medicine involves practices that are used as a replacement for conventional medicines. When Alternative Medicine is used in combination with conventional medicine it is known as Complementary Medicine. Hence "Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)" is the common term for both the branches of medicines.

Alternative Medicine basically includes practices like metaphysical, spiritual, religious and non-European medical treatments and other new approaches that are developed for healing various ailments. The supporters of Alternative Medicine claim that alternative therapies provide services to public that are otherwise not possible through conventional medicines. This covers areas ranging from patient empowerment, providing treatments based on bio-psycho-social model of individual health, alternative methods for pain management and stress reduction etc., that are usually not included under conventional medication.

The other common features that differentiate Alternative Medicine from Conventional medicines are:

•Alternative Medicine takes into account the physical, social, spiritual and mental well being of an individual while suggesting treatments, whereas conventional medicines are aimed only towards the physical aspects of an individual.
•Alternative Medicine emphasizes on health maintenance by following principles of a healthy lifestyle like healthy diet, regular exercise, positive attitude, body hygiene, moral and spiritual values, sexuality, human relations etc. Hence the individual is kept aware about maintenance of overall health.
•Alternative Medicine has a unique philosophy of its own, with inexpensive methods of treatment and diagnosis, and tries to avoid the unnecessary surgical and diagnostic interferences as far as possible and does not involve intake of strong drugs to a great extent.
•Alternative Medicine has no side-effect or contain only minimal side-effects
•Alternative Medicine is the only traditional system of medicine for certain specific diseases such as degenerative diseases, collagen disorder, problem related to joints and bones and psychosomatic disorders for which there are not much options available in conventional medicine.